Please feel free to join those of us who care to eventually see the elimination of the false rhetoric spewed by the likes of seditious financier George Soros', and his pathetically sycophantic entourage, known pejoratively as J Street, at the questionably willing Temple Sinai
Synagogue, in a simulcast.
It does make a considerable impact when both those Jews who are aware of the propaganda (and those who surprisingly aren't) are visually outed as extended supporters, provocateurs and parties to truly despicable Israeli/Jewish denunciations and falsehoods. As these patrons continue to
show their defiance and dishonor, we will remind them, by our presence, that they have been seen and acknowledged as aiders and abettors of the Muslim Brotherhood.
If you wish to call the Temple Sinai Synagogue at: 416 487 4161 or email Rabbi Dolgin at:
[email protected] feel free to do so. And let all like-minded people know as well
FYI - here is the info re: Temple Sinai J Street program
Begin forwarded message:
Doors open 7:30 pm Program starts at 8:15pm
Cost: Memebers $10 Non-members $15
Pay at the door no registration required
Refreshments served