Event Brief:
"For everything there is an appointed time." These words of King Solomon, the wisest of men, express a fundamental truth of the development of all things. What may not be as apparent is that according to the Jewish tradition, each lunar month offers a unique opportunity for healing that we can draw down to ourselves and use for gaining momentum and deepening our self-transformation on the road to physical and spiritual recovery. Join clinician and lecturer Shoshana Helfenbaum on a journey of her voyage into the world of Jewish Healing and the art of guided imagery that she learned at the hands of Colette Albouker-Muscat, beloved lady of Jerusalem and her protégé, Simcha H. Benyosef. An introduction to the concept of the Jewish Lunar Months, a discussion of the applicability to the current month and case studies will be presented in addition to many anecdotes and stories of serendipity.
Shoshana Helfenbaum is a protégé of the late Colette Albouker-Muskat who was the world’s foremost Jewish Guided Imagery scholar and practitioner. She herself holds a Masters of Social Work and an advanced degree in Gerontology from the University of Toronto and has a Therapeutic Health Counselling practice, formerly in Jerusalem, and now in Toronto.
Cost: $10