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Friday August 16, 2013
12:00PM - 1:00PM

Alaska Jewish Adventure

Category :: Trips
alaska jewish adventure august 16 2013
In only nine days, this wonderful itinerary offers a representative cross section of Alaska from the varied wilderness interior to the rugged maritime environments, traversing three major mountain ranges and hundreds of miles of marine sanctuary and coastline. By being small and mobile, we can leave the crowds behind and explore treasures unavailable through other means, allowing a true sense of self-discovery.

During our trip we will learn a bit about the unique Jewish history of Alaska – and we will begin our adventure by enjoying a Shabbat visit to the local Jewish community in Anchorage.


Enter promotion code 'JITCAL' for $150 off the cost of the trip.

For More Information:
Contact Name:
Edan Lichtenstein
(202) 494-5122
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