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Saturday July 27, 2013
12:00PM - 1:00PM

Costa Rica Experience for ages 40's-50's-60's

Category :: Trips
costa rica experience for ages 40s 50s 60s july 27 2013
The 8-night eco-adventure offers a diverse adventure that combines the Caribbean Highlands of Costa Rica – with its breathtaking tropical beaches. It begins with a whitewater rafting run down to the Caribbean Lowlands, with their tropical beaches, unique flora and fauna, active nightlife, and indigenous culture - where we will also participate in a day of service benefiting one of the communities; it continues with a visit to Tortuguero National Park, with its majestic jungle canals and the late-night ritual of endangered turtle nesting on its beach; and it ends in the highlands, with their lush mountainous rainforest, waterfalls, freshwater pools and serenity - spending Shabbat while based at a cool Jewish owned eco-farm on the slopes of Mt. Turrialba.


Use promotion code 'JITC' for $170 off the list price.

For More Information:
Costa Rica
Contact Name:
Edan Lichtenstein
(202) 599-0655
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