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Friday September 23, 2011
6:30PM - - -

TEXT-MESSAGING JEWISH-STYLE: A Case Study on the Place, Role, and Identity of Women in Jewish Texts

Category :: Community
Shabbat Service and Catered Dinner at 6:30pm followed by Cultural Program at 8:15pm

TEXT-MESSAGING JEWISH-STYLE: A Case Study on the Place, Role, and Identity of Women in Jewish Texts

How do secular Jews relate to Torah, Talmud, and other traditionally sacred texts? How do we make this literature our own? What allegiance do we have to it? How do we interpret or re-interpret the commentaries on the role of women? Join us for a lively discussion led by Rabbi Peter Schweitzer.

Reservations required for dinner -- contact our office at [email protected] or 212-213-1002. Cost is $17 for adults and $13 for children under 13.
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