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Friday January 28, 2011
6:15PM - 8:30PM

Shabbat Service and New Israel Fund

Category :: Community
Join us for a special Shabbat service with a presentation by Itziik Shanon from the New Israel Fund.

Israel’s Declaration of Independence calls for “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.” These values are essential to a vibrant and just Israeli society, at peace with itself and its neighbors. And yet, recent decisions of the Israeli government have prompte...d a conversation about Israel’s global standing and its relationship with Jewish communities around the world.

What does it mean to be to be pro-Israel, pro-peace, and pro-democracy today? What is the role of the American Jewish community as it relates to Israel? How can we speak about Israel—with our friends, family, and community—in a way that is both supportive and realistic?

Our service is always followed by an oneg reception.
For More Information:
East End Temple
245 East 19 Street
New York, NY
Contact Name:
Sharon Shemesh
212 477 6444
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