ESSENTIAL JEWISH CINEMA: Movies that Inspire, Celebrate, and Deepen Identification
Annie Hall, Funny Girl, Crossfire, Exodus, Schindler’s List, The Great Dictator, The Frisco Kid; the list goes on.
Which films of the past and present with Jewish themes have stuck with you over the years? What movies made you feel, think, or even take action? What impact did they have on your Jewish identity? Do these films still work today? TCC members will reflect on the movies that meant something to them and why. Moderated by member Peter Mones.
Peter Mones has had a life-long love of movies. As a kid he loved the Marx Brothers and Eddie Cantor. Then came Mel Brooks and Woody Allen. And also The Jazz Singer (1927 version), Gentleman’s Agreement (1947), and an assortment of Yiddish films. He has worked at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in lower Manhattan for over ten years where he is the assistant manager at the Pickman Museum Shop.
The City Congregation holds Shabbat celebrations twice a month on Friday evenings at 7:30 PM at the 14th Street Y (344 East 14th Street) in Manhattan. Each Shabbat includes a 40-minute humanistic service and a presentation by a guest speaker or TCC members on a Jewish cultural topic or current issue, followed by a pot-luck dessert. Three times a year we gather at 6:30pm for a catered dinner before the service and program. Guests are always welcome. Childcare is available for children 11 and younger.
All dates and programs are subject to change. To confirm events and for more information, contact the office at 212-213-1002 or
[email protected].