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Wednesday February 24, 2010
10:00PM - 11:00PM

New WebYeshiva class on the Passover Haggada

Category :: Lecture
New WebYeshiva class starts Wednesday, February 24th "Blueprint of the Passover Haggada" with Rabbi Yehoshua Geller.

The Pesach Haggada is not just a series of stories and verses strung together - it contains a precise logic and order. Each element is there for a reason and plays a very specific role in the structure and flow of the Haggada. This class will examine all of the particular aspects of the Haggada and try to answer the questions, "why is it there?" and "what does it mean?" We will also look at the story of Yetziat Mitzraim, and by way of Midrash, attempt to uncover the "behind the scenes" story embedded in the pesukim.

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