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Thursday August 7, 2014
7:00PM - 10:00PM

"Light Up The Night"- Young Leadership Rooftop Cocktail Event

Category :: Young Adult
Join Tikva & RAJE as we Light Up The Night and
Close Out the Summer in Style.
Help us support two extremely important causes
in one incredible night!

"Light Up The Night"- Young Leadership Rooftop Cocktail Event

TIKVA saves the lives of over 900 orphaned children every year and provides them with the love, healing and hope that they need. With the current emergency crisis taking place in the Ukraine; the costs for security, food, medication, and on-going care have intensified - beyond anything that could have been envisioned. We need your help to raise funds for these orphaned children in need.
Visit www.tikvaodessa.org for more info.

RAJE is a comprehensive educational and communal organization whose goal is to spark Jewish life and ensure Jewish continuity for the next generation of Russian speaking Jews. Visit www.rajeusa.com for more info.

RSVP at www.lightupnightnyc.eventbrite.com
or visit www.tikvaodessa.org and www.rajeusa.com for more information.

"Light Up The Night"- Young Leadership Rooftop Cocktail Event
Thursday, August 7th, 2014
Toshi's Rooftop, 7pm-10pm
1141 Broadway, New York, NY 10010

Tickets are $36 (Young Leadership) $54 (30's and up)
$108 VIP (includes VIP reception)
All RSVP's include one drink ticket, light buffet, silent auction & raffle.
$18 of your ticket is tax-deductible for $36 and $54 tickets. $36 of a VIP ticket is non-tax deductible and goes towards the cost of the event.

Please bring a pair of gently worn or used sneakers to be donated to the cause. Visit www.spingreen.com to learn more.


Inquire within to join the Light Up The Night host committee and get involved.

We look forward to seeing you there.
For More Information:
1141 Broadway
New York
Contact Name:
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