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Sunday February 20, 2011
12:00PM - 2:30PM

JICNY Volunteer Day at the Met Council

Category :: Young Adult

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jicny volunteer day at the met council february 20 2011
The Metropolitan Council has a senior lunch program at their low income housing site on 3rd avenue. They get around 25 seniors and need volunteers to set up, serve the food, socialize with the seniors, pass out food to seniors who are unable to come and clean up.
The senior lunch program happens at their low income housing site on 385 3rd Avenue between 27th and 28th Street. They usually have volunteer groups of 8-15 people to help set up the room, serve the hot meals, clean up, and - most importantly - socialize with our senior residents.
Volunteers arrive at 12pm SHARP and leave by 3pm. These times include orientation, set up, serving lunch, and clean up.

Join JICNY to help them !!! YOU can make a difference. JICNY Board Members lead these trips over the summer--- and JICNY members can now lead trips starting in the fall. If you are interested email [email protected]
To participate register now at

The Metropolitan Coucil is helping 100,000 New Yorkers each year find immediate relief and lasting solutions to poverty.

When: Sunday, February 20th 2011
Time : 12pm to 3pm
Where : 385 3rd Avenue between 27th and 28th Street
RSVP: More
For More Information:
385 3rd Avenue between 27th and 28th Street
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