Kitat Konenut New York
New Yorks only Jewish Emergency Readiness
Squad will be holding our sixth annual 2-week
Israeli Counter-Terror Training Camp this summer (2011)
in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate NY at Camp Tel Chai.
The dates will be Wednesday August 10th, through Sunday August 21st.
Here is just some of the agenda:
*Physical Training, exercising beyond the breaking point
*Extreme Krav maga
*Edged weapons defense
*Non-lethal weapons training
*First aid
*Basic firearms safety
*All military shooting positions
*Shooting under stress
*Advancing on a target (single and team)
*Exiting a vehicle under fire
*Urban combat training
*wilderness hikes
*Swimming and water exercises
*Airsoft and paintball simulation drills
*Identifying terrorist activity
*Counter-terrorism techniques
*Gun laws
*Coordination with law enforcement, And much, much more!
The training is geared towards responsible American Jews, ages 18-30 who want to train to protect their communities against terror threats.
Camp Tel Chai is co-ed & Shomer Shabbat and Kashrut.
If you want to learn tactical self-defense training from the best of the best, while getting fit and learning how you can express your second amendment rights, sign up for Camp Tel Chai!.
To register for camp or for more information check out our website: