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Friday January 14, 2011
7:00PM - 10:00PM

Internationals ONLY Shabbat Dinner

Category :: Young Adult

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internationals only shabbat dinner january 14 2011
Join the JICNY one and only Internationals only shabbat dinner. Always fun and nice, you will meet some new people, have some great food, wine and most of all great company.

Special guest Adena Berkowitz.

Dr. Adena K. Berkowitz is the co- founder, together with Cantor Ari and Lauren Klein, of Kol HaNeshamah:the Center for Jewish Life and Enrichment. Kol HaNeshamah is dedicated to re-energizing the spiritual life of both affiliated and unaffiliated Jews and sponsors free High Holiday services as well as Sabbath services, classes and one-on-one learning across the year. A popular teacher of Torah, Adena is well known across the U.S for her lectures, her writing and her riveting Torah classes. With backgrounds in both law and Jewish Studies from Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law and the Jewish Theological Seminary, Adena is the co-author, together with Rivka Haut of Shaarei Simcha- Gates of Joy, a mini prayerbook-- the first liturgical work in the modern era written by Orthodox women for use in the Jewish community. She is visiting lecturer at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. A member of numerous boards and committees, she lives in New York with her husband Rabbi Zev Brenner and children, Menachem Leib, Lizzy, Pammy, Aderet and Jessica and their dog Schnitzel

When: Friday, January 14th 2011
Time: 7pm
Where: Address Provided Upon RSVP
Cost: $34 and $38 after 12pm on January 12th 2011
RSVP: [email protected]
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Address Provided Upon RSVP
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