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Thursday April 14, 2011
7:00PM - 8:30PM

Ilan Stavans and Marcelo Brodsky Reinventing the fotonovela

Category :: Lecture

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ilan stavans and marcelo brodsky reinventing the fotonovela  april 14 2011
The Mexican-American scholar and writer Ilan Stavans and Argentine photographer Marcelo Brodsky have collaborated to re-imagine the fotonovela, a form of photographic comic book once beloved throughout the Spanish-speaking world, as a vehicle for literary experiment and political commentary. Once 9:53, forthcoming later this year in Spanish and English editions, is set in Buenos Aires’ historically Jewish Once neighborhood, in the hours leading up to the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center building.

$7.00 Member
$10.00 Nonmember

To register :
For More Information:
The JCC in Manhattan
334 Amsterdam Ave
New York
Contact Name:
Jewish Learning at The JCC in Manhattan
(646) 505-5708
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