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Tuesday December 20, 2011
7:30PM - 11:30PM

Find Your Zivug Corp. Presents: Our Inauguration - Chanuka 2011

Category :: Singles
Find Your Zivug events promises to be like no other:
Endorsed by leading rabbanim, shadchanim and facilitators for the 21-42 year old crowd.
We are Labeless but with a serious hashkafa in mind - We are to the right of modern orthodox - which means that we are exclusively for women that “want” to cover their hair when they are married and men that “want” their wives to cover their hair too. * AND we stretch across the board up until Yeshivish.
Simply put, this group has been created in order to help those people that really do not fit into the "modern" or "Yeshivish" crowd, but fall somewhere in between.

Every aspect of our events have been approved by:
Rabbi Boruch Simon- Yeshiva University
Rabbi Kenneth Auman, YI of Flatbush
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, YI of Kew Garden Hills
Rabbi Yaakov Lehrfield, YI of Staten Island
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Cong. Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck
and several others that choose to remain anonymous at this time.

Our shadchanim and facilitators include but are not limited to, Mrs. Allegra Goldberg – SYAS MM, Mrs. Baila Sebrow, Mr. and Mrs. Sarah and Yitzy Korman & Mrs. Esther Zywica

Due to the overwhelming success of numerous events for the diverse crowd, Yaakov Grunstein has spearheaded this new venture for this distinct group. All events promise to be unique, laid back yet structured, in such a way that conforms to the approval of the above Rabbonim. Yaakov is in charge of creating an atmosphere conducive to participants to meet at least most of the other attendees. All participants who meet at our events will receive our added personal touch! - A shadchan/facilitator will keep in touch with both of you, through your entire dating period to insure you reach your goal of finding your zivug.

Event Details:
7:30 p.m. - Doors open
8:00 p.m. promptly - hadlakas ner & Maoz Tzur
followed by an interactive workshop on what to be looking for on a date - hosted by our professional dating coach.
8:45 p.m. - Interact with small groups of participants with the anticipation of getting a chance to meet everyone throughout the evening.
10:15 p.m. - Time to socialize, speak to people you have met, move about and get it all in. Our dedicated team of facilitators and shadchanim will be on hand to help smooth over those awkward moments.

Music by Yisroel Jutkowicz
For More Information:
1301 East 18th Street Brooklyn, 11230
1301 East 18th Street
Contact Name:
Yaakov Grunstein
(912) 414-5603
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