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Friday March 18, 2011
5:00PM - 6:00PM

Women unite by lighting shabbat candles in memory of family murdered

Category :: Community

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women unite by lighting shabbat candles in memory of family murdered march 18 2011

A Jewish response to tragedy is to add light to this dark world. Women around the world are uniting to light candles for this coming shabbat, March 18, in merit of the holy souls of members of the Fogel family murdered mercilessly. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING TIME and make this your status. May Hashem have pity on his children.

Guys, please remember if you live on your own, you can also join in by lighting the candles for shabbat or you can get family and friends to do so!

Please note that if you already light shabbat candles, it is better not to add extra candle in their memory, but rather invite a friend who does not light to do so. If you keep shabbat you may choose to light the candles a little earlier.
May Hakodosh Boruch Hu inundate our world with his light and the light of peace and may the holy neshamot (souls) of these special people who lived for Israel and for peace enjoy eternal life and be our emissary in asking G-d for peace.
For More Information:
Every Jewish House
Contact Name:
Chabad Lubavitch
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