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Sunday March 13, 2011
3:00PM - 5:00PM

Pre- Purim Celebration for Families and Children

Category :: Children
This special Purim Program is designed for families with children with special needs but welcomes all children and families. As an alternative to oft loud and raukus Purim celebrations, this Pre- Purim experience will be a sensory-friendly “NO GRAGGER A-Loud” experience. This event will begin with several stations including: Dress-up & Make-up for the Purim Video Extravaganza, Build a Lunch for the Homeless, Create a Mask Craft, plus a Purim Costume Parade. A Multi-Media Theatrical Telling of Purim story (including a video with your children as actors!) will take place in the second half of the program, followed by afternoon snacks (kosher), socializing and prizes for all children. Nes Gadol Confirmation students will be leaders in this program.

Please R.S.V.P. to Naomi Salamon at 310 836-1223 ext. 322 so she can put your name on the guest list!
Questions? Please call Rabbi Jackie Redner at 310 836-1223 ext. 209
For More Information:
The Temple at Vista Del Mar
3200 Motor Ave
Los Angeles
Contact Name:
Jackie Redner
310 836-1223 ext. 209
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