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Friday April 1, 2011
7:30PM - 11:30PM

GesherCity April Shabbat

Category :: Young Adult

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geshercity april shabbat april 1 2011
Hey guys!

The GesherCity Shabbats are always on the first Friday of the month and April's Shabbat happens to fall on April Fool's day!

Come have a delicious dinner with us and dress as your favorite April Fool. :-)

Please remember that if your last name is
A-K please bring a salad as your side dish and
L-Z bring dessert

Please RSVP so we know how much food to order!

Excited to see everyone there and message me if you have any questions!
For More Information:
11352 Donovan Road
Los Alamitos
Contact Name:
GesherCity LB
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