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Saturday December 3, 2011
7:00PM - 9:30PM

Archie Barkan Brings The Catskills to Santa Monica

Category :: Seniors
the Sisterhood of Kehillat Ma’arav will host an evening of musical comedy on Saturday, December 3 form 7-9:30 pm. It will be a wonderful evening for anyone who remembers the Catskills and anyone who enjoys Jewish and Yiddish humor. Archie Barkan began his career in the Poconos and then the Catskills. He worked and learned from the greats like: Milton Berle, Jackie Mason, Henny Youngman, and Joan Rivers. Sitting at a piano, Barkan will reflect on how the “Borscht Belt” got its name. His presentation about the celebrities that created the legendary destination brings the Catskill experience back to life.

In addition to his experience as an emcee, pianist and humorist, Archie Barkan has been lecturing on Yiddish literature and culture for the Emeritus Department of Santa Monica College for ten years. He also uses his Yiddish for translating books and articles, and was a translator for Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation.

The $15.00 advance ticket price will include an assortment of appetizers and desserts, coffee, tea and soft drinks. Guests are invited to bring their own bottles of kosher wine.
For More Information:
Kehillat Ma'arav Synagogue
1715 21st Street
Santa Monica, CA
Contact Name:
Prissi Cohen
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