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Friday August 23, 2013
2:00PM - 8:00PM

POCO26 Rafting/Leadership Weekend

Category :: Young Adult

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You are invited to an AMAZING experience of natural “highs”on a raft, Dorney Park thrills, and new Friendships – our 26th Annual Pocono Rafting Leadership Weekend!

*Join Jewish professionals from around the Eastern seaboard will gather for a weekend of friends, fun, a little learning, and of course WHITE WATER! A great weekend, August 23-25, 2013

This event will give you an opportunity to engage with Jewish young adults together, speed date with established Jewish organizations, learn about leadership development, and become involved in the Jewish community.

The Weekend Escape Features:

* Rafting in the Poconos on the scenic Lehigh River Gorge
* Dorney Park/WildWater Kingdom
* Pool Parties – Volleyball - Mixers
* Programs on Israel and the American Jewish community
* Sunday "Lox & Bagel" Brunch w/guest speaker …

& “Speed Dating with Jewish Organizations.”

Currently our national co-sponsors include: B'nai B'rith, AEPi, Magen David Adom, Save a Child's Heart, American Israel Friendship League, plus numerous local Jewish communities supporting this event.

Also Note:
* Discount for Birthright Israel Alumni (and AEPi & B'nai B'rith members/alumni)
* Scholarships available; * Room Share & Ride Share assistance provided

- an amazing time to network, make new friends, and have a BLAST!!!

Reservations also on-line at: www.yjlc.org; or e-mail: [email protected]
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